Level 2 Agriculture and Horticulture
Course Description
Within this subject, both Agricultural and Horticultural topics are studied, both in the classroom and in the outdoor environment. This course follows on from 100AGH and studies techniques involved in growing crops and raising farm animals in greater detail. It studies the effects of the environment on production and the effects of production on the environment.
Recommended Entry Criteria
Completed Level 1 Agriculture & Horticulture, or see HOD.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
Agricultural and Horticultural Science 2.1 - Carry out an extended practical agricultural or horticultural investigation
Agricultural and Horticultural Science 2.2 - Demonstrate understanding of techniques used to modify physical factors of the environment for NZ plant production
Agricultural and Horticultural Science 2.4 - Demonstrate understanding of how management practices influence plant growth and development in NZ commercial production
Agricultural and Horticultural Science 2.5 - Demonstrate understanding of livestock reproductive techniques in commercial production in New Zealand
Agricultural and Horticultural Science 2.10 - Report on the environmental impact of the production of a locally produced primary product
Pathway Tags
dairy farmer, forestry contractor, horticultural worker, vet nurse, Amenity Horticulture, Fruit Production, Vegetable Production, Nursery Production, Viticulture, Floristry, Landscaping, Horticultural Consultant, Science technician, Crop Production Manager, Forestry, Marketing Manager, Orchard Manager, Insectary Manager, Vegetable Farm Manager, Quality Controller, landscaper, horticulture, farmer, soil analyst, dairy farmer, forestry,